
This first film is dedicated to the definition of rewilding. Let me take you to Oxford to meet with Guardian’s journalist George Monbiot, and on the field in Vercors France to discover a natural free evolution area protected by ASPAS. We will be together with National Museum Naturalists Gilbert and Beatrice Cochet as well as Clément Roche, manager of the project.

To learn more


Feral by George Monbiot

Réensauvageons la France de Gilbert Cochet


Association ASPAS

George Monbiot

Réalisation Aurélie Miquel


Thank you to George Monbiot, Gilbert Cochet, Béatrice Kremer-Cochet, Clément Roche, Madline Rubin, Augustin Brétillard, Jennifer Teeple and Jonathan Mille for their welcoming and precious help.